On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 2ndInternational Green Catalysis Symposium of Rennes, we are pleased to welcome you to Rennes from April 2 to 4.
We hope that the scientific meetings set to take place will be most fruitful.
The conference will take place on the scientific campus of the University Rennes 1 located in the east part of the city and easily accessible by regular bus services
The objectives and topics of the symposium are: - to present to academic and industry researchers the recent research and developments of most topics of green catalysis, a fast growing field, towards sustainable development. - to offer young scientists the opportunity to be involved in the various facets of green catalysis and discuss with the leaders of this field that is expected to change the future of chemistry. - to offer young scientists the opportunity to present their catalysis contribution by poster.
The symposium will offer an assortment of:
General lectures presenting various aspects of Green Catalysis
New research results in this field of Green Catalysis (see topics)
Several invited speakers will give one general lecture on Green Chemistry and one focusing on their recent research.
Réception en l’honneur du professeur René Dabard le 3 avril 2014
50th Anniversary of Organometallic Chemistry in Rennes
To celebrate this event a reception will be offered on April 3rd, 2014 at 18 h 30
within the 2nd International Green Catalysis Symposium
in the “club des professeurs” main Building batiment 1, campus of Beaulieu
University of Rennes
In 1964 Professor René Dabard, coming from Dijon University and Professor Jean Tirouflet laboratory, created at the university of Rennes 1 the first laboratory on organometallic chemistry.
He initially developed metallocene chemistry and related new planar chirality concepts. This reception will celebrate this event in the presence of Professor René Dabard.